Spending Freeze

Okay, so this “not spending money” thing is proving to be much more difficult than I thought.  Good thing we’re starting off small with just a week because I’ve wanted to do this for an entire month before and now I am getting a taste of what it might be like.

First of all, the kids had swimming lessons today and they need new goggles.  For some reason we arrived a bit late and didn’t have time to get the goggles first.  SAVED!  Money not spent…this week anyway.  Also, we are now out of bread for lunch and I am fully aware that I could be making it, but, as I am super last minute in my preparations, I wasn’t ready for lunch today.  And, we often grab a slice of pizza at my favorite pizza place for lunch on Thursdays after swimming.  However, my wonderful parents just came home last night from a long vacation and were eager to see the kids and treated us all to lunch. Yes!  Money not spent again.  Maybe I can do this….and then there is the next reality….our anniversary, next Thursday, and I need to buy Brian a gift.  I already know what I’m getting him and it is something special that I know he needs and I can’t really get around not spending money on it.  I’ll have to deal with that in the next few days.

My last issue is coffee, I am terribly addicted and do drink it every morning and we are running low.  But then I had a brilliant idea…gift cards!  We got a few in our Easter baskets and I think if I use those I won’t have to spend a dime.

Wow, this really might be possible, aside from the anniversary gift thing….oh yes, and there’s Tallinn’s birthday party….hmm?  At least I’m trying….and thinking of the people in Haiti and how all these things that are so readily at my disposal I take for granted almost everyday.

3 responses to “Spending Freeze

  1. ohhh, the dreaded spending freeze. Crazy hard. What are the rules of the freeze? Can I send you some homemade bread and coffee beans? 😉 MIss you guys! We should go out for coffee, hahaha.

    • Don’t tempt me :). I’m not sure I have “clear” rules, just trying not to spend anything for a week, as we should have enough food, etc. (Fortunately our garden is doing super well). There are, however, some difficulties with this and we’ll see how we do. So far, so good, but this was only day 2 and weekends are always a bit tricky. I’ll try to call you tomorrow, we miss you, too!

  2. Very cool

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